Local Reforms in Transition Democracies

De (autor): Diana-Camelia Iancu

(0 review-uri)
Local Reforms in Transition Democracies - Diana-Camelia Iancu

Local Reforms in Transition Democracies

De (autor): Diana-Camelia Iancu

(0 review-uri)
From Table of Contents:
- Local Public Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe: Agendas for the Future
- Policy Analysis: Methods of Policy Analysis and Their Importance on Local Government Level
- Corruption and the Necessity of Openness and Transparency Within Local Public Policy Making
- 'Semi Towns' and Micro Villages. Reconsideration of the Relationship between Cities and the Country Side
- Public Administration and Local Government Reform in Slovakia - An Unfinished Step Forward
- Two Decades of Decentralization Failures in Slovenia
- Reforms of Local Self-Government in Russia (2003-2008) and France (2010): Impact on Local Democracy
- Territorial Fragmentation as an Obstacle to Territorial Consolidation Reform the Case of Slovakia
- Introducing Multi-Level Governance to the Czech Republic
- International Dimension of Local Policy-Making: Advantages, Limits and Challenges of Cross-Border Cooperation
- Developments of Regional Settlements. The Case of the Transcarpathian Region
- Outlines of the Future of ICT in Public Administration
- Creative Economy and its Impact on Local and Regional Development
Local Reforms in Transition Democracies analyses local public reforms in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Ukraine. Practitioners and researchers (economists, lawyers, geographers and political scientists) investigate the transition to democracy and the reform efforts for good governance that Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, Slovakia and Slovenia undertook in the recent decades. With a broad theoretical framework, this volume gives a pertinent account of good practices and failures in local and regional reforms. For Romania, this book is one of the first comprehensive researches focused on sub-national reforms of states of Central and Eastern Europe.
Lucrarea propune o analiza pertinenta a reformelor administratiei publice locale in Europa Centrala si de Est, Rusia si Ucraina. Practicieni si cercetatori (economisti, juristi, geografi, politologi) investigheaza tranzitia spre democratie si eforturile de reforma intru buna guvernanta din Republica Ceha, Slovacia, Slovenia, Rusia si Ungaria. Pe langa corpul teoretic extrem de variat, volumul contine exemple de buna practica si analize ale esecurilor interventiilor publice la nivel local si regional. Pentru piata romaneasca de profil, volumul este primul de aceasta anvergura dedicat reformelor subnationale si singurul care reuneste atat de multe state din Europa Centrala si de Est.
Csachova, Stela; Jacko, Tomas; Klimovsky, Daniel; Kozakova, Viera; Matatkova, Katerina; Muranyi, Peter; Pinteric, Uroš; Prijon, LeaSharapova, Olga; Sicakova-Beblava, Emilia; Staronova, Katarína; Stefcekova, Lenka; Stejskal, Jan; Tovt-Brenzovych, Kateryna; Tozsa, Istvan; Voloshyna, Yulianna.
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Descrierea produsului

From Table of Contents:
- Local Public Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe: Agendas for the Future
- Policy Analysis: Methods of Policy Analysis and Their Importance on Local Government Level
- Corruption and the Necessity of Openness and Transparency Within Local Public Policy Making
- 'Semi Towns' and Micro Villages. Reconsideration of the Relationship between Cities and the Country Side
- Public Administration and Local Government Reform in Slovakia - An Unfinished Step Forward
- Two Decades of Decentralization Failures in Slovenia
- Reforms of Local Self-Government in Russia (2003-2008) and France (2010): Impact on Local Democracy
- Territorial Fragmentation as an Obstacle to Territorial Consolidation Reform the Case of Slovakia
- Introducing Multi-Level Governance to the Czech Republic
- International Dimension of Local Policy-Making: Advantages, Limits and Challenges of Cross-Border Cooperation
- Developments of Regional Settlements. The Case of the Transcarpathian Region
- Outlines of the Future of ICT in Public Administration
- Creative Economy and its Impact on Local and Regional Development
Local Reforms in Transition Democracies analyses local public reforms in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Ukraine. Practitioners and researchers (economists, lawyers, geographers and political scientists) investigate the transition to democracy and the reform efforts for good governance that Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, Slovakia and Slovenia undertook in the recent decades. With a broad theoretical framework, this volume gives a pertinent account of good practices and failures in local and regional reforms. For Romania, this book is one of the first comprehensive researches focused on sub-national reforms of states of Central and Eastern Europe.
Lucrarea propune o analiza pertinenta a reformelor administratiei publice locale in Europa Centrala si de Est, Rusia si Ucraina. Practicieni si cercetatori (economisti, juristi, geografi, politologi) investigheaza tranzitia spre democratie si eforturile de reforma intru buna guvernanta din Republica Ceha, Slovacia, Slovenia, Rusia si Ungaria. Pe langa corpul teoretic extrem de variat, volumul contine exemple de buna practica si analize ale esecurilor interventiilor publice la nivel local si regional. Pentru piata romaneasca de profil, volumul este primul de aceasta anvergura dedicat reformelor subnationale si singurul care reuneste atat de multe state din Europa Centrala si de Est.
Csachova, Stela; Jacko, Tomas; Klimovsky, Daniel; Kozakova, Viera; Matatkova, Katerina; Muranyi, Peter; Pinteric, Uroš; Prijon, LeaSharapova, Olga; Sicakova-Beblava, Emilia; Staronova, Katarína; Stefcekova, Lenka; Stejskal, Jan; Tovt-Brenzovych, Kateryna; Tozsa, Istvan; Voloshyna, Yulianna.
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