Focus 1 2nd Edition Workbook
De (autor): Anna Osborn , Angela Bandis , Rod Fricker
• Lesson by lesson practice mirrors the Student's Book.
• Word Store sections provide further practice of the respective sections in the Student's Book.
• Remember this and Remember better boxes contain useful strategies for memorising words and structures.
• Show What You've Learnt and Show That You've Checked features help assess one's progress and reflect on one's learning.
• Self-check sections verify how well the unit objectives have been achieved.
• Grammar: Train and Try Again contains grammar practice for specific lessons as well as cumulative revision.
• Vocabulary bank and practice sections consolidate the Student's Book vocabulary around exam topics.
Primesti 54 puncte
Primesti puncte de fidelitate dupa fiecare comanda! 100 puncte de fidelitate reprezinta 1 leu. Foloseste-le la viitoarele achizitii!
In stoc
Estimare livrare marti, 24 septembrie
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Livrarea produselor din stoc se realizeaza in decursul a 24-48 de ore (zile lucratoare) de la plasarea comenzii. In cazul in care termenul este prelungit te vom anunta prin intermediul unui e-mail, iar noua data va fi afisata si in contul de cititor.
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Descrierea produsului
• Lesson by lesson practice mirrors the Student's Book.
• Word Store sections provide further practice of the respective sections in the Student's Book.
• Remember this and Remember better boxes contain useful strategies for memorising words and structures.
• Show What You've Learnt and Show That You've Checked features help assess one's progress and reflect on one's learning.
• Self-check sections verify how well the unit objectives have been achieved.
• Grammar: Train and Try Again contains grammar practice for specific lessons as well as cumulative revision.
• Vocabulary bank and practice sections consolidate the Student's Book vocabulary around exam topics.
Detaliile produsului
- Categoria: Engleza, Culegeri Auxiliare
- Autor: Anna Osborn, Angela Bandis, Rod Fricker
- Editura: PEARSON
- An aparitie: 2020
- Editie: Necartonata
- Format: 295 x 210 x 8 mm
- Nr. pagini: 144
- Materie: Limba engleza
- Colectie: Focus
- Limba: Engleza
- Editia: a II-a
- Cod: PON978-1-292-23384-0
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