Check in: Timisoara
Marina’s book is simple, honest, is more like an “open minded soul”. It’s the way she has chosen to compliment Timisoara, the city which talks about a memory, about love, about losing and revival, the city that, at every turn, offers us a lesson. From Marina’s book, I take with me a sentence: A vase of flowers can unlearn you from sadness and can teach you happiness. For readers, I think this book is a good reason to stop for a while from this hustle and bustle and to say: “I am Here. I exist. I see and feel. I am alive. - Iozefina Nicoleta Tudor, Journalist
In mine se vorbeste si azi despre tine
Traim amandoi pe Pamant. Am ales amandoi aceeasi tara. Vorbim amandoi aceeasi limba. Teoretic. Pentru ca, in practica, facem parte din lumi distincte, avem visuri total opuse si mergem alaturi de oameni atat de diferiti. Aparent. Pentru ca, in profunzime, sufletul tau este la fel ca sufletul meu si ochii tai zambesc cand intalnesc ochii mei. Subiectiv. Pentru ca obiectiv, eu nu ma pot obisnui cu lumea ta, iar tu nu te poti adapta in lumea mea. Oficial. Pentru ca neoficial, cand ramanem amandoi singuri, pe o straduta ingusta din Centrul Vechi, stim ca „in mine se vorbeste si azi despre tine” si ne-am dori ca undeva, candva, sa existe o lume in care singurul lucru care sa conteze sa fie ca sufletul meu e la fel ca sufletul tau si ochii mei zambesc cand intalnesc ochii tai.
We both live on Earth. We both chose the same country. We both talk the same language. Theoretically. Because in practice we belong to two distinct worlds, we have completely opposite dreams and we walk besides too different people. Apparently. Because on a deeper level, your soul is the same as my soul and your eyes smile when they meet my eyes. Subjectively. Because objectively, I can’t get used to your world and you can’t adapt to mine. On the record. Because off the record, when we stand alone, on a narrow street from the Old Town, we both know that “In me, there are still words about you” and we would both want that somewhere, sometime, existed a world in which the only thing that mattered would be that my soul is the same as your soul and that my eyes smile when they meet your eyes."
Descrierea produsului
Marina’s book is simple, honest, is more like an “open minded soul”. It’s the way she has chosen to compliment Timisoara, the city which talks about a memory, about love, about losing and revival, the city that, at every turn, offers us a lesson. From Marina’s book, I take with me a sentence: A vase of flowers can unlearn you from sadness and can teach you happiness. For readers, I think this book is a good reason to stop for a while from this hustle and bustle and to say: “I am Here. I exist. I see and feel. I am alive. - Iozefina Nicoleta Tudor, Journalist
In mine se vorbeste si azi despre tine
Traim amandoi pe Pamant. Am ales amandoi aceeasi tara. Vorbim amandoi aceeasi limba. Teoretic. Pentru ca, in practica, facem parte din lumi distincte, avem visuri total opuse si mergem alaturi de oameni atat de diferiti. Aparent. Pentru ca, in profunzime, sufletul tau este la fel ca sufletul meu si ochii tai zambesc cand intalnesc ochii mei. Subiectiv. Pentru ca obiectiv, eu nu ma pot obisnui cu lumea ta, iar tu nu te poti adapta in lumea mea. Oficial. Pentru ca neoficial, cand ramanem amandoi singuri, pe o straduta ingusta din Centrul Vechi, stim ca „in mine se vorbeste si azi despre tine” si ne-am dori ca undeva, candva, sa existe o lume in care singurul lucru care sa conteze sa fie ca sufletul meu e la fel ca sufletul tau si ochii mei zambesc cand intalnesc ochii tai.
We both live on Earth. We both chose the same country. We both talk the same language. Theoretically. Because in practice we belong to two distinct worlds, we have completely opposite dreams and we walk besides too different people. Apparently. Because on a deeper level, your soul is the same as my soul and your eyes smile when they meet my eyes. Subjectively. Because objectively, I can’t get used to your world and you can’t adapt to mine. On the record. Because off the record, when we stand alone, on a narrow street from the Old Town, we both know that “In me, there are still words about you” and we would both want that somewhere, sometime, existed a world in which the only thing that mattered would be that my soul is the same as your soul and that my eyes smile when they meet your eyes."
Detaliile produsului