Blue Fog

Blue Fog - Irina Dumitru

Blue Fog

Editie in limba engleza

In a utopian world, the Orions, the aliens who arrived on Earth from the Orion Constellation, watch over the maintenance of peace. Humans and Orions work together in the political regime called Universalism, where people are constantly monitored by an implanted chip.
But in this perfect world, Dr. David Jacob has a secret. He lives his life subjected to the rules until one day when everything changes. Maya, the rebel, kidnaps him to save her mother.
This book was inspired by a paranormal phenomenon that takes place somewhere in the mountains of Buzau and a series of myths related to the existing tunnels in this area.  This fantasy novel with Sci-Fi influences will keep you in suspense until the last page.
A truly epic and haunting tale in a very real futuristic world rich with misconceptions and possibilities as the characters discover who they are and where their destiny will take them. Brilliant. I can’t wait until the next part! - Victoria J. Hyla, author of the Hearts Drawn Wyld trilogy: In Death We Part, Running in the Mists, and Awake in Elysian Fields
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Descrierea produsului

Editie in limba engleza

In a utopian world, the Orions, the aliens who arrived on Earth from the Orion Constellation, watch over the maintenance of peace. Humans and Orions work together in the political regime called Universalism, where people are constantly monitored by an implanted chip.
But in this perfect world, Dr. David Jacob has a secret. He lives his life subjected to the rules until one day when everything changes. Maya, the rebel, kidnaps him to save her mother.
This book was inspired by a paranormal phenomenon that takes place somewhere in the mountains of Buzau and a series of myths related to the existing tunnels in this area.  This fantasy novel with Sci-Fi influences will keep you in suspense until the last page.
A truly epic and haunting tale in a very real futuristic world rich with misconceptions and possibilities as the characters discover who they are and where their destiny will take them. Brilliant. I can’t wait until the next part! - Victoria J. Hyla, author of the Hearts Drawn Wyld trilogy: In Death We Part, Running in the Mists, and Awake in Elysian Fields
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Alin F. 01/12/2020 17:09
Am citit-o pe nerăsuflate, deși nu sunt tocmai cititor de Sci-fi.
Ce mi-a plăcut cel mai mult e felul în care au fost prezentata ideologia Universalismului. Îmi amintește puțin de ceea ce trăim în zilele noastre legat de coranavirus, mai ales felul în care oamenii erau distanțati emoțional. Doar coexistau pentru asigurarea pacii, însă dreptul fundamental al libertății gândirii le era limitat, odată cu venirea orionilor.
Deși nu gust dulcegării, modul în care prezenta legătură de iubire interzisa dintre un hibrid și un om a fost în regula.
Finalul lăsa deschisa acțiunea, asa ca aștept volumul 2 al cărții.
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