Oare ce visez azi? What will I dream today?- Alexandra Lopotaru
Ilustratii de Lavinia Falcan
Do we realise, as parents, that we no longer speak the language of childhood? Do we realise that sometimes, in our desire to do the right thing at any cost, we impose ourselves and achieve exactly the opposite? Do we know that, without intending to, we can rob our children of the courage to try to fly, while drilling into them the need to succeed? How many times do we say “must”, “don’t get dirty”, “stop crying”, “go to sleep”, but forget to tell them in their own language how to do it? Do we know that our little ones are discouraged by our own successes, and that we risk, by the natural feeling that they can do less than us, feeding an inferiority complex? And purely because of too much good faith! [...] So how do we shake off the roles of the drama triangle, and stop being the persecutor, victim or rescuer in our families? Simple! Have the courage to cooperate with your child, connect with her, and have faith that she will find solutions to the challenges in her life! The series of books written by Alexandra are children’s books for parents to understand! - Yolanda Cretescu, Psiholog clinician si psihoterapeut adlerian, Clinical psychologist and Adlerian psychotherapist
Descrierea produsului
Ilustratii de Lavinia Falcan
Do we realise, as parents, that we no longer speak the language of childhood? Do we realise that sometimes, in our desire to do the right thing at any cost, we impose ourselves and achieve exactly the opposite? Do we know that, without intending to, we can rob our children of the courage to try to fly, while drilling into them the need to succeed? How many times do we say “must”, “don’t get dirty”, “stop crying”, “go to sleep”, but forget to tell them in their own language how to do it? Do we know that our little ones are discouraged by our own successes, and that we risk, by the natural feeling that they can do less than us, feeding an inferiority complex? And purely because of too much good faith! [...] So how do we shake off the roles of the drama triangle, and stop being the persecutor, victim or rescuer in our families? Simple! Have the courage to cooperate with your child, connect with her, and have faith that she will find solutions to the challenges in her life! The series of books written by Alexandra are children’s books for parents to understand! - Yolanda Cretescu, Psiholog clinician si psihoterapeut adlerian, Clinical psychologist and Adlerian psychotherapist
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